The UI5 Antares library includes a built-in value help class that can be used in conjunction with the Entry Create and Entry Update classes, or as a standalone component with any sap.m.Input control within a SAPUI5 application.
Please be advised that the Value Help class is only available for the SIMPLE Form when it is used in conjunction with the Entry Create and Entry Update classes. Should you require further information, please refer to the Form Type section.
2) The Value Help class is responsible for managing the search functionality accessible via the filter bar or search field.
3) The Value Help class is responsible for writing the selected value from the table into the input field.
4) The Value Help class enables the initial filters to be applied when the Value Help Dialog is first initiated.
5) The Value Help class enables users to attach a function that will be triggered immediately upon opening the dialog or selecting a value from the table.
Please note that the Value Help class only supports a single selection.
The ValueHelpCL class offers all its features for both entry class-integrated (Entry Create/Entry Update) and standalone usage, even if they are not shown in the examples.
You must initialize an object from ValueHelpCL class in order to use it.
This is the property of the entity for which the value help is being created.
This is the name of the EntitySet that will be bound to the table in the Value Help Dialog
Once a selection has been made in the table, this parameter defines the property of the valueHelpEntity to be used for setting the value of the property defined in the propertyName parameter.
The properties of the valueHelpEntity that are displayed in the columns of the table
The properties of the valueHelpEntity that are excluded from the filter bar
The naming strategy that is used to generate the labels for filter bar and table column headers
The resource bundle prefix that is used for the i18n text lookup
Indicates whether the labels should be derived from the metadata to be used in the filter bar and table column headers
The JSONModel name of the filter bar which is needed by the ValueHelpCL class
Set to true for case sensitive search in the filterbar
The name of the OData V2 model. Leave this parameter undefined if the name of the OData model = "" (empty string)
Dialog Generation Process
The following steps outline the process followed by the ValueHelpCL class when creating the Value Help Dialog.
1) The ValueHelpCL class is responsible for creating a table and assigning the settings.valueHelpProperty as the first column within the table.
2) The ValueHelpCL class adds all the properties specified in the settings.readonlyProperties array as columns to the table adjacent to the first column.
3) The ValueHelpCL class is responsible for binding the EntitySet specified in the settings.valueHelpEntity to the newly created table.
4) The ValueHelpCL class is responsible for creating a filter bar and UI controls (sap.m.Input, sap.m.DatePicker, etc.) for the properties specified through the settings.valueHelpProperty and settings.readonlyProperties parameters. It should be noted that the properties defined in the settings.excludedFilterProperties are not included in the filter bar.
5) The ValueHelpCL class is responsible for creating a JSONModel to facilitate the filter bar.
6) The ValueHelpCL class is responsible for creating a search field.
7) The ValueHelpCL class utilizes internal functions to facilitate the selection and filter bar search.
By default, all properties specified through the readonlyProperties parameter are included in the filter bar. To exclude properties from the filter bar, use the excludedFilterProperties parameter. Please note that properties excluded from the filter bar will still be visible in the table of the Value Help Dialog.
The key property specified in the valueHelpProperty parameter cannot be excluded from the filter bar.
Label Generation
The ValueHelpCL class employs the same methodology as that defined in Label Generation section for the generation of labels for table column headers and filter bar elements. Please refer to the list below for settings that can be applied in different label generation scenarios.
Scenario 1: To enable the use of labels defined in the OData metadata, please set the settings.useMetadataLabels parameter to true.
Scenario 2: To utilize i18n labels on the label generation, you have two options:
Use the default format (antaresVH + valueHelpEntity + propertyName) for the text keys in your i18n file.
Scenario 3: In order for the library to generate labels from the technical property names of the EntitySet that is defined, it is necessary to set the correct value for the settings.namingStrategy parameter.
We will consider the following scenario: You have an EntitySet named Products with the following properties: ID, name, categoryID, and supplierID. You also have other EntitySets named Suppliers and Categories, which you intend to use as a value help for the Products-supplierID and Products-categoryID properties.
importControllerfrom"sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";importEntryCreateCLfrom"ui5/antares/entry/v2/EntryCreateCL";// Import the classimportValueHelpCLfrom"ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL";// Import the Value Help classimport{FormTypes}from"ui5/antares/types/entry/enums";// Import the FormTypes enum/** * @namespace your.apps.namespace */exportdefaultclassYourControllerextendsController{publiconInit(){}publicasynconCreateProduct(){constentry=newEntryCreateCL(this,"Products");// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstcategoryVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"categoryID",// This is the property of the Products entityvalueHelpEntity:"Categories",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set that will be mapped to propertyName after the selection is madereadonlyProperties:["name"]// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog});// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"supplierID",// This is the property of the Products entityvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set that will be mapped to propertyName after the selection is madereadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// Set the form type to SIMPLE to be able to use Value Help featureentry.setFormType(FormTypes.SIMPLE);// Add the value help object for categoryIDentry.addValueHelp(categoryVH);// Add the value help object for supplierIDentry.addValueHelp(supplierVH);entry.createNewEntry();}}
sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller","ui5/antares/entry/v2/EntryCreateCL",// Import the class"ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL",// Import the Value Help class"ui5/antares/types/entry/enums"// Import the enums],/** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */function(Controller,EntryCreateCL,ValueHelpCL,EntryEnums){"use strict";// Destructure the object to retrieve the FormTypes enumconst{FormTypes}=EntryEnums;returnController.extend("your.apps.namespace.YourController",{onInit:function(){},onCreateProduct:asyncfunction(){constentry=newEntryCreateCL(this,"Products");// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstcategoryVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"categoryID",// This is the property of the Products entityvalueHelpEntity:"Categories",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set that will be mapped to propertyName after the selection is madereadonlyProperties:["name"]// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog});// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"supplierID",// This is the property of the Products entityvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set that will be mapped to propertyName after the selection is madereadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// Set the form type to SIMPLE to be able to use Value Help featureentry.setFormType(FormTypes.SIMPLE);// Add the value help object for categoryIDentry.addValueHelp(categoryVH);// Add the value help object for supplierIDentry.addValueHelp(supplierVH);entry.createNewEntry();}});});
Attach After Select
It is possible to attach a function that will be executed after the user selects a row in the Value Help Dialog table.
If the ValueHelpCL class is able to retrieve the object from the selected row, it will be passed as a parameter to the attached function. Otherwise, only the value of the valueHelpProperty will be passed as a parameter.
To attach a function, the attachAfterSelect() method can be utilized.
Setter (attachAfterSelect)
(data: string | object) => void
The function that will be executed after the selection
The default listener is the controller from constructor
importControllerfrom"sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";importValueHelpCLfrom"ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL";// Import the Value Help classimport{Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent}from"sap/m/Input";// Import the Value Help Request event type/** * @namespace your.apps.namespace */exportdefaultclassYourControllerextendsController{publiconInit(){}// The parameter type should be Input$ValueHelpRequestEventpublicasynconValueHelpRequest(event:Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent){// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"STANDALONE",// Since this is a mandatory param and not relevant for the standalone usage, you can set anythingvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set whose value will be set to the inputreadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// attach the functionsupplierVH.attachAfterSelect(this.afterVHSelect,this);// Pass the Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent to the public openValueHelpDialog method.supplierVH.openValueHelpDialog(event);}privateafterVHSelect(data:string|object){// here do the logic after the vh selection}}
sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller","ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL"// Import the Value Help class],/** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */function(Controller,ValueHelpCL){"use strict";returnController.extend("your.apps.namespace.YourController",{onInit:function(){},onValueHelpRequest:asyncfunction(event){// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"STANDALONE",// Since this is a mandatory param and not relevant for the standalone usage, you can set anythingvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set whose value will be set to the inputreadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// attach the functionsupplierVH.attachAfterSelect(this._afterVHSelect,this);// Pass the event to the public openValueHelpDialog method.supplierVH.openValueHelpDialog(event);},_afterVHSelect:function(data){// here do the logic after the vh selection}});});
Attach After Dialog Opened
It is possible to attach a function that will be executed after the value help dialog is opened.
The generated Value Help Dialog object will be passed as a parameter to the attached function.
To attach a function, the attachAfterDialogOpened() method can be utilized.
importControllerfrom"sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";importValueHelpCLfrom"ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL";// Import the Value Help classimport{Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent}from"sap/m/Input";// Import the Value Help Request event typeimportValueHelpDialogfrom"sap/ui/comp/valuehelpdialog/ValueHelpDialog";// Import the ValueHelpDialog class/** * @namespace your.apps.namespace */exportdefaultclassYourControllerextendsController{publiconInit(){}// The parameter type should be Input$ValueHelpRequestEventpublicasynconValueHelpRequest(event:Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent){// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"STANDALONE",// Since this is a mandatory param and not relevant for the standalone usage, you can set anythingvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set whose value will be set to the inputreadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// attach the functionsupplierVH.attachAfterDialogOpened(this.afterVHOpened,this);// Pass the Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent to the public openValueHelpDialog method.supplierVH.openValueHelpDialog(event);}privateafterVHOpened(dialog:ValueHelpDialog){// here do the logic after the vh is opened}}
sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller","ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL"// Import the Value Help class],/** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */function(Controller,ValueHelpCL){"use strict";returnController.extend("your.apps.namespace.YourController",{onInit:function(){},onValueHelpRequest:asyncfunction(event){// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"STANDALONE",// Since this is a mandatory param and not relevant for the standalone usage, you can set anythingvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set whose value will be set to the inputreadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// attach the functionsupplierVH.attachAfterDialogOpened(this._afterVHOpened,this);// Pass the event to the public openValueHelpDialog method.supplierVH.openValueHelpDialog(event);},_afterVHOpened:function(dialog){// here do the logic after the vh is opened}});});
Initial Filter Values
It is possible to set initial filter values that will be applied to the Value Help EntitySet when the Value Help Dialog is opened.
The properties included in the initial filter must either be equal to the valueHelpProperty or included in the readonlyProperties array. Any properties included in the excludedFilterProperties array will be ignored in the initial filter.
To set the initial filter values, the setInitialFilters() method can be utilized.
importControllerfrom"sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";importValueHelpCLfrom"ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL";// Import the Value Help classimport{Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent}from"sap/m/Input";// Import the Value Help Request event type/** * @namespace your.apps.namespace */exportdefaultclassYourControllerextendsController{publiconInit(){}// The parameter type should be Input$ValueHelpRequestEventpublicasynconValueHelpRequest(event:Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent){// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"STANDALONE",// Since this is a mandatory param and not relevant for the standalone usage, you can set anythingvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set whose value will be set to the inputreadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// set the initial filterssupplierVH.setInitialFilters([{propertyName:"companyName",value:"ABC"},{propertyName:"country",value:"TR"}]);// Pass the Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent to the public openValueHelpDialog method.supplierVH.openValueHelpDialog(event);}}
sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller","ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL"// Import the Value Help class],/** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */function(Controller,ValueHelpCL){"use strict";returnController.extend("your.apps.namespace.YourController",{onInit:function(){},onValueHelpRequest:asyncfunction(event){// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"STANDALONE",// Since this is a mandatory param and not relevant for the standalone usage, you can set anythingvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set whose value will be set to the inputreadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// set the initial filterssupplierVH.setInitialFilters([{propertyName:"companyName",value:"ABC"},{propertyName:"country",value:"TR"}]);// Pass the event to the public openValueHelpDialog method.supplierVH.openValueHelpDialog(event);}});});
IValueHelpInitialFilter Type Definition
The property name
string | number | boolean | Date
The filter value of the property
Standalone Usage
The ValueHelpCL class can also be utilized as a standalone component for any sap.m.Input control within a SAPUI5 application.
All of the aforementioned features are also available for standalone use.
Let us consider a scenario in which a sap.m.Input is present on an XML View. The objective is to create a Value Help Dialog when the valueHelpRequest event is triggered by the end user.
importControllerfrom"sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller";importValueHelpCLfrom"ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL";// Import the Value Help classimport{Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent}from"sap/m/Input";// Import the Value Help Request event type/** * @namespace your.apps.namespace */exportdefaultclassYourControllerextendsController{publiconInit(){}// The parameter type should be Input$ValueHelpRequestEventpublicasynconValueHelpRequest(event:Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent){// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"STANDALONE",// Since this is a mandatory param and not relevant for the standalone usage, you can set anythingvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set whose value will be set to the inputreadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// Pass the Input$ValueHelpRequestEvent to the public openValueHelpDialog method.supplierVH.openValueHelpDialog(event);}}
sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller","ui5/antares/ui/ValueHelpCL"// Import the Value Help class],/** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */function(Controller,ValueHelpCL){"use strict";returnController.extend("your.apps.namespace.YourController",{onInit:function(){},onValueHelpRequest:asyncfunction(event){// Create an object from the ValueHelpCL classconstsupplierVH=newValueHelpCL(this,{propertyName:"STANDALONE",// Since this is a mandatory param and not relevant for the standalone usage, you can set anythingvalueHelpEntity:"Suppliers",// This is the entity set that provides datavalueHelpProperty:"ID",// This is the property of the entity set whose value will be set to the inputreadonlyProperties:[// These properties will be the columns of the table on the Value Help Dialog"companyName","contactName","contactTitle","country","city","paymentTerms"],excludedFilterProperties:["contactName"]// These properties will be excluded from the filterbar});// Pass the event to the public openValueHelpDialog method.supplierVH.openValueHelpDialog(event);}});});